Many parents nowadays have problems communicating with their teenage children. It is at this age that the child wants to show his independence from the opinion of his parents. This is where conflicts arise. The only thing a parent can do to build trust between him and the child is to become his friend. How to do it?

To begin with, do not forget that it is often difficult for a teenager to control emotions due to constant changes in hormonal levels. Therefore, responding with aggression to aggression is not the best idea. The job of parents is to be patient and calm.
As mentioned above, a teenager wants to demonstrate his independence. What to do about it? Give the child this opportunity. Learn not to invade his personal space, accept refusals and listen to the child's opinion to the end, without interrupting. The latter, by the way, is also not given to all parents, since it is not at all easy to listen to what seems to be outright nonsense. Otherwise, the teenager may close and move away.
Trust is very important in relationships. If the parent wants the child to trust him, do not condemn what the child says "in secret." It is necessary to be able to covertly guide the child on the right path. In no case should you hack a teenager's accounts, read his SMS on the phone and in every possible way pretend to be a detective. This can only generate anger, and there will be no more talk of any trust.
The teenager should feel the support of the parents. You should not ignore any achievements of the child, whether he made a bird feeder, received an "excellent" or helped his grandmother to cross the road - all this is a matter of pride and praise. If the child accidentally stumbled somewhere, you should not arrange proceedings in a raised voice, you should calmly explain what his mistake was.
In the event that there are doubts as to whether a child has chosen good friends for himself, it is necessary to delicately make friends with them. Show yourself as modern and understanding parents. You can also invite your teen's comrades over for tea and slowly get to know them better. The child will appreciate that his friends are treated with respect.
A pretty good option is to improve contact with the child while helping in choosing a specialty to your liking. However, it should be remembered that at this age the child's decisions often change, it is necessary to treat this process with patience, to help the teenager in every possible way to make the right choice.