The acquisition of speech in young children occurs from about one year old, but children learn a language differently than adults learn foreign languages. They do not memorize words and rules, but imitate other people, intuitively extract the patterns of language from speech and books, that is, they learn unconsciously.

Step 1
Language is, first of all, not a set of certain symbols included in the system and used according to the rules, but a cultural phenomenon designed to help people communicate with each other. In this sense, children begin to learn the language from birth - from the first cry, which is a signal aimed at communicating with the people around them. The child understands that screaming or crying, and later other sounds attract the attention of the parents, and thus begins to communicate with them.
Step 2
Later, babbling develops - in the first few months of a baby's life, it is indistinguishable from the babbling of children of any other nationality, but gradually syllables and intonations characteristic of a particular language appear in a meaningless set of sounds, as the child tries to imitate the speech he hears. Already from four months, the baby knows when they speak their native language nearby, and when they speak a foreign language.
Step 3
Until the age of nine months, children try to pronounce individual sounds, trying various options for the movement of the lips and tongue, and soon learn to double syllables. After the ninth month, the mastery of individual words begins, and the first word serves as a kind of barrier, a transitional stage in the process of learning the native language - from then on, the development of speech goes faster, the child begins to "collect" words. You need to understand that the first words are not words in the usual sense, they are the so-called holophrases, which contain the meaning of the whole sentence.
Step 4
First, the child masters those words with which he can influence other people, and later learns to express his thoughts. The pace of learning speech for all children is different: someone up to two years old knows only three words, someone already in a year begins to use a new word every week. Sometimes the vocabulary slowly accumulates in the child's head, and the child, who was suddenly silent before, begins to speak quickly and a lot.
Step 5
From the age of two, the study of "telegraphic speech" begins, that is, the child begins to form sentences from verbs and nouns. The main stage of learning the native language ends by the age of six to seven: by this time, children can correctly form sentences and have a rich vocabulary, which is replenished much more slowly in subsequent years.