When drawing, the child tries to depict on a piece of paper what he feels and what he thinks about himself. The analysis of such a picture is a good opportunity for parents to assess the inner state of the child; understand if he is not lonely; find out how he treats various family members; to catch the hidden tension emanating from the young artist; feel his mood. And also approximately estimate the level of development of the child.

To begin with, you can invite the child to draw all family members engaged in business on an ordinary piece of paper with colored pencils. Do not interfere and do not rush him, do not comment on the depicted. Let him paint as long as it takes. Then try to "feel" the picture. How does it make you feel? If gloomy, dreary, aggressive, dull, sad, then the child clearly feels somehow uncomfortable. But don't panic! Do not forget that any emotional experience strongly affects any child's activity, including creative. Therefore, it is quite possible that he is simply tired or very offended at someone.

Then look at who is missing from the picture or, on the contrary, "added" to the family members. If, for example, dad is not on him, since he “went on a business trip” or “flew to the moon”, it means that the child does not have enough attention from him, or the parent treats him rather rudely. Maybe he, again, is offended at him for something. If a child does not draw a little brother (or sister), recently born, he lacks attention from both dad and mom. In this case, remember to remind your baby how much you love him. If, on the contrary, someone “superfluous” appears in the picture, it means that the child is dissatisfied with his emotional state. He needs an equal relationship with his parents or entertainment in the company of other children of the same kind.

Then ask the child what each family member is doing. If all the people in the picture are passionate about the same thing, that's very good. This means that harmony and love reign in the family. If the child has distanced himself from the rest:
- himself - this indicates that he feels isolated from the rest;
- parents or other adults - that he does not feel connected with them.
All this suggests that you need to pay more attention to your child. Remember to show how much you value it.

How to evaluate the "manner of writing"
Three-year-olds most often depict people as "cephalopods" ("bubbles" with legs), four - in the form of 2 ovals with arms and legs. In the drawings of five-year-old children, a person already has arms, legs, eyes, and a head. And six-year-olds have a nose, fingers, mouth. By the age of seven, young artists are already trying to draw details such as hair, neck, clothes. Psychologists usually focus on these criteria when assessing a child's mental development. In doing so, they look at the presence of:
- corrections, especially not leading to an improvement in the quality of the picture (a sign of increased anxiety);
- small individual strokes, especially if the drawing consists of some of them (a sign of indecision);
- exaggeratedly large eyes, which have shaded pupils (the baby is afraid of something);
- the presence of numerous decorations and additional details (the child wants to be noticed, he has a craving for external effects).
They also pay attention to the colors that are used. If there are 5-6 of them - this is normal, more - the child is very emotional and sensitive, less - does not feel very comfortable at the moment (blue is anxiety, red is aggression, and black is depression, graphite is the absence of bright colors in life) … Also, colors can indicate the characteristics of the child's character:
- dark blue - focus on inner experiences, introspection, the need for calm;
- gray - indifference to everything, desire to leave, hopelessness, detachment;
- green - stubbornness, perseverance, optimism, poise, striving for security;
- black - protest, depression, destruction;
- red - eccentricity, desire to stand out, aggression, willpower, excitability, increased activity;
- brown - slowness, physical discomfort;
- yellow - curiosity, faith in the best, spontaneity, positive emotions;
- purple - intuition, intellectual and emotional immaturity, fantasy.
But only if they are present in the picture to a greater extent than all the others.
Dear parents, at first glance it is not at all difficult to analyze the "secret" language. It seems that you can immediately understand what the child's drawing is about and solve all the problems at home. But if something alarmed or alarmed you in the drawing, be sure to consult a psychologist. Indeed, sometimes behind one apparent simplicity, many different nuances and features can be hidden, and only a specialist can correctly assess the child's condition.