Features Of Self-esteem Of Younger Students

Features Of Self-esteem Of Younger Students
Features Of Self-esteem Of Younger Students

Self-esteem is a complex personal education, which reflects what the child learns about himself from other people and his own activity, which is aimed at understanding personal qualities and actions. Knowledge of the issues of self-esteem of a younger student largely determines the formation of relations with a child.

Features of self-esteem of younger students
Features of self-esteem of younger students

The development of self-esteem depends on the school's performance assessment. Taking the teacher's assessment as the main reference point, the children classify themselves and other members of the children's collective as excellent and poor students. As a result, each group acquires a set of corresponding qualities. Primary school performance - an assessment of the child's personality and social status. During this period, it is important for teachers and parents to understand and distinguish between the concepts of “performance assessment” and “personality assessment”. Situations when the assessment of academic performance is transferred to the child's personal qualities are unacceptable. Negative feedback about the baby's work can be imprinted in his mind with the phrase "you are a bad person."

The self-esteem of a first grader is almost entirely dependent on the value judgments of adults. A transition period falls on 3-4 grade, as a result of which the number of negative self-assessments sharply increases. Dissatisfaction with oneself extends to communication with classmates and educational activities.

Types of self-esteem of younger students

A number of studies have shown that all types of self-esteem are inherent in junior schoolchildren: overestimated stable, adequate stable, unstable, directed towards inadequate overestimation or underestimation. With age, children develop the ability to assess themselves correctly and the tendency to overestimate decreases. The most rare at this age is persistent low self-esteem.

The type of self-esteem of a child can be determined not only on the basis of value judgments about himself, but also in relation to the achievements of other children. Increased self-esteem is not always expressed in praising oneself, more often one can notice critical judgments about the activities and work of peers. Students with low self-esteem overestimate the achievements of their classmates.

Self-esteem type and behavior

No special tests are required to determine the type of self-assessment. Children with the appropriate type are cheerful, active, sociable and have a good sense of humor. Finding mistakes in their own work arouses their enthusiasm and interest. When choosing tasks, they are guided by their capabilities, having failed, the next time they will give preference to less complex work. High adequate self-esteem makes children active, striving to achieve success, regardless of the type of activity.

The underestimated inadequate type is easily recognizable from younger students: when asked to check their work, they will refuse to do it or will do it without making any corrections. Encouragement and encouragement can bring them back to activity and revive enthusiasm. The focus on possible failure makes these children withdrawn and uncommunicative.
