It happens that parents, desperate to establish contact with their own child, are forced to seek help from specialists. However, there are some pretty generic tips to help you try to fix this problem yourself.

Step 1
First of all, it is necessary to establish what could have caused problems of this kind, or after what event contact with the child was lost. Having identified the prerequisites for the current situation, parents can try to find solutions on their own. For example, if a child is offended because of an unfulfilled promise by the mother or father, the first step is to talk to the baby. Conversation is all the more necessary when it comes to a teenager. Do not be afraid to ask the child for forgiveness - firstly, parents will be able to show that they themselves are upset because of what happened and want to fix the situation. Secondly, according to psychologists, personal experience is the most indicative, that is, the child himself in the future will be able to ask for forgiveness, feeling guilty and striving to improve relations with loved ones.
Step 2
Contact with a child can be disrupted due to many factors - childhood grievances, too serious punishment, and simply intra-family relationships that do not dispose of frankness and trust. Teachers warn that as a result of ridicule and excessive criticism, you can not only lose touch with your children, but also experience a real parental fiasco in the future, when a child, completely out of control, stops listening to the opinions of adult family members. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the child's manifestations of distrust of parents in time in order to try to establish relationships.
Step 3
A heart-to-heart conversation and a joint search for a situation after which the relationship between the child and the parents was threatened is the first step towards solving the problem. Sometimes the child himself cannot determine why he is offended or does not trust his own mother or father. By joint efforts, having identified the same "stumbling block", one can not only try to establish relationships, but also try not to repeat such mistakes in the future.
Step 4
Unfortunately, many parents prefer to make amends by buying new toys and modern gadgets for their children, as well as allocating significant amounts of pocket money. Such solutions, according to a number of child and adolescent psychologists, can lead to a real dead end - the problems accumulating within the family will not only not be resolved, but will also worsen. Children, feeling that their parents are inclined to automatically compensate for their experiences, may subconsciously begin to manipulate adults, or even deliberately “take offense”, expecting another gift. The teachers are convinced that it is impossible only to smooth out the manifestations of mistrust, it is important to eliminate the mistrust and establish contact with the child, without bringing the situation to a critical one.
Step 5
If you can't establish contact with the child, you can turn to specialists for help. Having evaluated the problems in a particular family from the side, as well as having talked separately with all its members, psychologists are able not only to help with advice on how to establish relationships. Often, experienced professionals can quietly lead both the child and the parents to solving the problem of mistrust - so that all participants will be sure that they themselves have found a way out of the situation.