The first years of a baby's life are very valuable for his future, so try to devote more time to practicing with a baby. Play is an important factor in a child's development. During the games, fine motor skills develop, memory improves and the baby's creative thinking is formed.

Cubes, puzzles, pyramid, sorter, children's books, CDs with music, plasticine, finger paints
Step 1
Make sure that the child, in addition to dolls and bunnies, has a sufficient number of developmental toys. Cubes, sorters, large puzzles, pyramids and various constructors help to develop the child's memory, logic, speech, creative and spatial thinking.
Step 2
Joint exercises with plasticine develop fine motor skills well. Teach your kid the simplest things: roll a ball out of plasticine or make a "sausage".
Step 3
Draw with your baby, this will help him to better develop creative thinking, memory and foster an aesthetic perception of the world. Teach your baby to distinguish colors and shades. Start your drawing lessons using finger paints. Thanks to their healthy composition, they are great for young artists, even if the baby suddenly decides to taste them.
Step 4
It is important to instill in your child a love of books from early childhood. Good kind books are a must for a full-fledged upbringing of a child. They help develop the child's thinking and imagination, make his vocabulary richer and more diverse.
Step 5
From birth, introduce your baby to the wonderful world of music. Introduce him to the children's repertoire, then move on to the masterpieces of great classical music, children are especially favorably disposed to the works of Tchaikovsky, Schubert and Vivaldi.
Step 6
It is good to explore the world while walking on the street. You do not need to sit in a stroller all the time or be limited to being in the playground. Allow your little one to touch flowers and grass, dig in the sand for pleasure, and even pet a neighbor's cat. Accompany the walk with conversation, comment on everything you see, tell the little one about plants, trees, cars and buildings that you pass by.