Crawling is an essential stage in a child's development. How to teach a baby to crawl?

To teach a baby to crawl, it is necessary to interest him so that he has a desire to move to something. First of all, surround the baby with different toys and objects, give him freedom of action, do not restrict him in movement. Place it on the floor with a diaper on. You can also put it on a wide bed, only in this case you need to make sure that it does not fall. Babies generally begin to crawl at 6-7 months, but before this age it is necessary to prepare the baby in advance: It is necessary to ensure that the baby is already holding his head at three months, if he is not yet able to do this. It will also be extremely important to lay him on his tummy as often as possible so that his muscles become stronger, as well as to lay bright toys in front of him so that he has a desire to get them.
At four months, it is necessary to develop the grasping reflex in the child, putting various toys into his hands. Also, the child begins to show interest in his legs, trying to reach them to the mouth. Teach him to grab the legs with the handles.
At five months, you need to turn the baby on the side more often, twist it. In order for it to turn itself, it can be lured with a toy.
At six months, if the child has not sat down himself, it is necessary to show him how to do this, but not to pull forward by the handles, but to turn over the barrel.
By the seventh month, the baby should be trying to crawl. It can be awkward or funny, on the belly or on the bottom. Before starting to crawl on all fours, the baby can sway funny for several weeks, trying to get on all fours. To speed up this process, play active games with your child. Some children begin to crawl by walking backwards, but soon they correct themselves and begin to crawl as expected.
If your baby starts to crawl at 6-7 months, then by 8 months he will be completely ready to try to stand up with support. If at this age the baby is inactive, this can be either a manifestation of character or a difficulty in development. Continue to engage with the baby, you can optionally take a massage course.