One of the most important stages in a baby's development is crawling. However, many children skip the crawling period and immediately try to sit or walk, although the crawling skill is very important for the child's mental and physical development.

Children begin to try to crawl when it becomes interesting to them, when they are physically ready to crawl. First, the child moves on the floor on his stomach, then gets on all fours and tries to rearrange his arms and legs in various ways.
Crawl your way
Each child has a different way of crawling. Some children move straight ahead, others only backward, some to the side. At first, the kids will move slowly and uncertainly, and later it will become a very exciting and interesting pastime for them, and soon the children will deftly crawl around the house.
Usually, the baby begins to crawl at 6-9 months of the first year of life. But all children are different, and their skills are also individual.
Crawl evolving
The ability to crawl helps the child a lot in development, he begins to navigate in space, develops the nervous system, as well as the ability to control the legs and arms, improves near vision, improves appetite, ensures good sleep, and increases intelligence.
Of course, parents should stimulate the child's attempts to move independently. You don't need to limit it only to being in the arena or the walker. This will make it possible to strengthen the muscles of the child, develop coordination of movements.
You can massage babies, do gymnastics, swimming with them to strengthen their muscles. At 6 months old, you can lay the baby on the tummy a couple of times a day and lift it by the handles. It is necessary to help the child and encourage him to crawl on all fours, this is a very important skill.
When a child crawls, you need to secure the space for the baby, remove dangerous objects, plants, and keep the floor clean.
For muscle and skeletal development
Getting on all fours and crawling is the right period before being able to sit, stand and walk. The main thing is to learn how to do everything right, because if he sits incorrectly, the shape of the chest will be disrupted, and if he walks incorrectly, deformation of the legs may occur. This will not happen if the baby crawls enough. Indeed, at the same time, the muscles of the back, abdomen are strengthened, the joints and spine develop.
If the baby does not crawl at 9 months, you need to consult a pediatrician. After all, the fewer movements a child has, the worse he perceives the world around him, he will not feel confident. Such children can grow up withdrawn, with low self-esteem, lack of initiative. It is the ability to crawl that provides the basis for all movements, it is useful for weak bones, the spine. The confidence to move on all fours makes it possible to naturally transition to movement on legs.