7 Principles Of Raising A Girl

7 Principles Of Raising A Girl
7 Principles Of Raising A Girl

Most parents sooner or later wonder if they are raising their children correctly. And, unfortunately, it is often too late. Lost time cannot be returned, and upbringing does not forgive serious mistakes. For girls, proper upbringing is especially important, because in life they are less protected than boys. Take care of your baby's future.

7 principles of raising a girl
7 principles of raising a girl

Remember the 7 most important principles to follow when raising girls.

Principle 1. You are beautiful!

Confidence in your external attractiveness is the first step towards becoming a strong, self-confident person. Therefore, from an early age, involve the baby in caring for your body. Teach her to love herself, emphasize her virtues and don't laugh at her flaws. Encourage your daughter's interest in her appearance, leaf through fashion magazines together, choose cosmetics, go to beauty salons and sports sections. Among other things, this will bring you very close emotionally.

Principle 2. You are the beloved!

Parenting strictness has its advantages. The girl will definitely grow up to be a strong, determined and independent woman. However, it's important not to go too far. Excessive demanding can make her realize that love must always be earned. That it is impossible for someone to love her just like that. Such upbringing can lead to big problems in her later personal life. So don't forget to pamper your baby. Say words of love to her every day (especially dad!). Teach your daughter to recognize love from dislike, because this is the guarantee of her happiness.

Principle 3. You are wise!

Teach your daughter to understand people and situations. Tell life stories, warn, but do not intimidate. From an early age, involve the baby in adult conversations, take her opinion into account when making decisions. Explain why you are doing this or that.

Principle 4. You are caring!

Feminine nature is to take care of everything that surrounds her. Teach your girl this. Encourage her to help animals, the elderly. And, of course, instill in your daughter the habit of caring for loved ones. Thank her for any sincere action, say words of love over and over again.

Principle 5. You are active!

Instill in the baby a love of work as early as possible. This should be done by example. Your daughter should see that you are happy to go to work, are happy to clean the house, enjoy cooking, etc. Celebrate her success with praise and encourage more. Ask about your daughter's dreams and desires, and help her move forward towards their fulfillment.

Principle 6. You are an optimist!

Women should bring light and warmth, be a little sun in their family and environment. Teach your daughter this (of course, also by your own example). Show her how she can find joy every day, even if it wasn’t out of the ordinary. Teach your little one to cope with disappointments and to endure trials.

Principle 7. You are an individual!

This is perhaps the hardest part. Help develop your baby's personality, but don't try to break her personality. Do not try to realize your unfulfilled dreams thanks to your child, listen to his own ideas and desires.
