How To Teach Your Teen To Kiss

How To Teach Your Teen To Kiss
How To Teach Your Teen To Kiss

Lack of experience and ignorance of some aspects of intimate issues contribute to the emergence of complexes. In adolescence, you are embarrassed to talk to the guy or girl you like, let alone the first kiss.

A kiss is an expression of feelings
A kiss is an expression of feelings

Get rid of fear

In the head of an inexperienced teenager, there is always the thought that nothing will work out, as well as the fear of doing something wrong and thereby scare off the beloved. The main thing is to cast aside all doubts and understand that skill comes only with practice. Kissing is a physiological process; this skill is not taught at school or in courses. The main thing is to feel your partner, feel the warmth of his lips and try to please yourself and him. The kiss should not be intrusive, rude. You don't have to bite your lips like a sandwich.

Film training

You can learn how to kiss correctly from films, now such explicit scenes are not uncommon and they are shown with all the details. You can watch the episode several times, and then start training. A simple kiss looks like a brief touch of the lips. You can start with this, and then gradually complicate things, add new elements. Lips can be slightly parted before kissing, grab your partner's lips between them. It is a kiss that is a means of expressing tender feelings between loving people. Kisses are different: friendly, goodbye, passionate, cold.

If a boy or girl does not have a person with whom to train, then you can use your hand. When it comes to a real kiss, you need to drop the excitement, because it can be transmitted to the girl like a chain reaction, and then the first attempt will fail.

Of course, it is more pleasant to kiss soft, smooth lips, rather than dry and cracked lips. Therefore, it is important to monitor their condition, to avoid chapping. Use hygienic lipstick.

Kiss with tongue

You don't have to take on the role of a vacuum cleaner and suck your lips inward, this can be frightening and painful. You can use your tongue, carefully penetrate it into your partner's mouth and play a little there. Such a kiss is called French. You can gently caress your partner's lips with your tongue, thereby hinting at a passionate kiss, if the hint was not understood, then it is better to leave the attempt until better times. During a kiss, you can close your eyes to feel the sweetness of the moment. Hands are also used to help keep the partner at the right distance. You can stroke your hair or gently touch your face.

For the kiss to work, you need to take the right posture. Partners should be as close as possible. It is better to tilt your head to the side so that your nose does not interfere.

The passionate kiss is considered the most passionate. It is important not to overplay, but to behave naturally. You need to take a deep breath and literally bite into your lips, bite them and suck lightly, as if you can not get enough.
