In adolescence, a child tries to find himself, so he can easily stumble. Parents who want to change the lifestyle of a teenager should help him in self-expression, as well as brighten up his leisure time with vivid emotions.

Explain the reason for the desired changes
Adolescence is a difficult transitional period in human life associated with hormonal changes in the body. The child begins to feel like an adult, tries to make decisions on his own, form a point of view, choose role models, etc. In short, he lays the foundation for his future lifestyle, which his parents often disagree with.
To influence a problem teenager and break his stereotypes, adults often resort to radical methods - deprivation of pocket money and house arrest. However, in this way they move away from their child, creating between him and themselves an abyss of mistrust and lies. In order for a teenager to change his lifestyle, he must want it himself, otherwise nothing will work out. Adults can only direct the child to the right one, indicate the reason why he should reconsider his behavior, and nothing more.
Help in self-expression
If parents see that a teenager, trying to find his "I", is rapidly moving in the wrong direction, you need to offer him alternative methods of self-expression. An excellent option would be sports or creative circles, where the child could reveal his talents. With each new success, the adolescent's self-esteem will increase, he will behave more confidently in the company of his peers. Of course, a child's talents should be revealed at an earlier age, but better late than never.
Psychologists say that the mind of adolescents can be quite strongly influenced by the visualization board. It can be easily done at home. To do this, you will need: Whatman paper, glue, scissors and clippings from your child's favorite magazines. Let the teenager himself choose what goals in the future he would like to achieve, what things he would like to acquire, whom he would like to be equal to. Every day, looking at the visualization board, he will strive for the best.
Distract from the usual way of life
Often, a teenager tries to try everything - today he listens to classical music, tomorrow - hard rock, today he goes to ballroom dancing, tomorrow - to boxing or karate. Parents should understand that at this age children do not have constant hobbies, so do not panic ahead of time.
If the parents confidently decide that they want to make adjustments to the lifestyle of their child, the best way would be to distract him from his usual pastime and show that there are still many unknown fascinating things in the world. For example, if a teenager is overly addicted to computer games, you can go with him on an exciting journey in which he would receive the maximum of vivid emotions. If the teenager, on the contrary, is overly active, it would be a great idea to organize evenings at home, when all family members gather at the same table to play checkers, chess, cards, etc.
It should be remembered that in adolescence, it is easier for a child to distract from a negative lifestyle than to radically change it. Gradually replacing the bad habits of their child with useful ones, parents will be able to achieve the desired result.