The body of a pregnant woman is gradually being rebuilt so that she can bear and give birth to a healthy baby. The expectant mother needs to get used to the changes taking place in her body and mind, and behave a little differently.

Step 1
In the first trimester, as a rule, a woman may be disturbed by early toxicosis. It prevents the expectant mother from enjoying life and enjoying her new status. To alleviate your condition, try not to allow the feeling of hunger, eat often, little by little. In the morning, without getting out of bed, sip a cup of plain water with a slice of lemon or green tea with mint. Avoid foods and odors that make you nauseous. Heartburn is common during pregnancy. In such cases, also eat small meals, chewing food thoroughly. Then it is digested faster, is less in the stomach, which reduces the possibility of these unpleasant sensations.
Step 2
Forget about processed foods and sandwiches, include in your daily diet healthy foods from all major groups: dairy products, proteins (meat, fish, poultry), starchy foods (cereals, wholemeal bread), vegetables and fruits. You should eat well, but that doesn't mean you have to give up everything you love. Reduce your intake of salt, sugar, coffee, tea, fizzy drinks. A proper diet can be delicious, too, and can help you maintain a moderate weight during pregnancy.
Step 3
Walking in the fresh air, swimming in the pool, gymnastics in maternity schools will cheer you up. Exercise, moderate stretching, and yoga can help you relax and prepare for childbirth. Do not force yourself to strain to a state of fatigue, avoid heavy physical labor. Try to get more rest: pregnant women need to sleep at least 8-10 hours a night, and during the day, pamper yourself 2-3 times with a 30-60 minute rest.
Step 4
Read books that have been waiting for their turn on the shelf for a long time, go to the cinema, theater. After all, as soon as the baby is born, there will be not enough time for entertainment, and the expectant mother needs positive emotions. If it happens that you have to go to the hospital to maintain the pregnancy, do not worry, look for advantages in everything. While in the hospital, you can make many interesting acquaintances. Time will pass imperceptibly, and after the birth of the baby, you will communicate with new friends, walk together with strollers, consult, exchange experiences.