Probably, every bride, answering “yes” to a question in the registry office, sincerely believes that she will be happy with this person and will live together for the rest of her life. However, dry statistics indicate that about 70% of marriages break up before they have existed for 5 years. This suggests that the partners could not correctly assess each other and make the right choice.

Step 1
Of course, it is important how much you feel good in bed, whether you are a good match for each other sexually. But this alone is not enough to become the wife of this person. If physical intimacy with him gives you pleasure, that's fine, but you should pay attention to his other qualities.
Step 2
By creating a family in which the appearance of children is expected, people take responsibility not only to each other, but also to those who will be brought up. Therefore, responsibility is the quality that your future husband needs very much. If he is ready to answer not only for himself, but understands that the well-being of the family depends on him, feel free to put a "plus" to his merits.
Step 3
Greed is the "minus" in which you will feel deprived of everything, even if you are well-off financially. Such a person is able to poison the life together, making money a cult and a fetish. With someone who makes money not for the sake of money, but in order to improve the quality of life, you will feel rich even with a small income.
Step 4
It is very difficult to live with a person who has no sense of humor. Its presence helps to overcome even the biggest troubles. The ability to defuse the situation and laugh together unites people, makes such a couple stronger.
Step 5
It is desirable that your life attitudes and principles coincide. So that you have the same ideas about honesty and decency, about good and evil. When what is considered natural for him is unacceptable to you, then you are unlikely to be able to live together, unless you break yourself. In the event that you are ready for this, great. Just remember that such a revision of life attitudes can affect both your psyche and your character.
Step 6
Do not make the mistake of believing that you will be able to re-educate the person, and he will reconsider his principles and views. If they do not radically coincide with yours, then do not count on success and immediately give up the role of educator. Either come to terms with his shortcomings, or abandon plans for marriage.