How To Explain Father's Behavior

How To Explain Father's Behavior
How To Explain Father's Behavior

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According to the canons of Hollywood, the husband, upon learning about the pregnancy of his beloved wife, carries her in his arms and regularly runs at night for strawberries to the nearest supermarket. However, in life everything is different, and after the phrase "I am pregnant" you can see the elongated face of the future father of the child.

How to Explain Father's Behavior
How to Explain Father's Behavior


Step 1

Do not worry that your boyfriend's behavior does not correspond to the ideal idea about him. Men are still less emotional creatures, and while the expectant mother imagines how she will decorate the nursery, the father calculates in his mind what the child will cost and what will have to be abandoned. And you will have to limit yourself in many things. This does not mean at all that the father is not happy with his unborn child. Just wait a little, he will soon get used to this thought and will take a direct part in your pregnancy.

Step 2

The overwhelming majority of women love a child at a biological level. Even while the baby is in her womb, the mother already adores him. For fathers, the situation is somewhat different. At the stage of pregnancy, they are mainly proud of their ability to create offspring, and only when the child is born and grows up a little, they are imbued with sincere feelings for him. Be patient: you have a happy loving family ahead of you.

Step 3

Many men perceive a child as a threat to their personal well-being. Indeed, before the appearance of the baby, he was the main thing in your life, and after the baby is born, the overwhelming part of your attention will go to your newborn son or daughter. Try to dispel these fears of the future father even during pregnancy. Remind him often how much you love him, arrange romantic dinners and trips out of town. And try not to talk about the child around the clock - this will only confirm your spouse's fears.

Step 4

The future father may also worry that after giving birth he will become an exclusively source of income for you. Show the man that, first of all, you treat him as a gentle lover, and you will always have this attitude, despite the number of children that you will have in the future. This will allay your father's fears and strengthen your relationship.
