Seven Steps Of Relationship

Seven Steps Of Relationship
Seven Steps Of Relationship

According to psychologists, there are seven stages in family life. If the couple knows about these stages, it becomes much easier to go through them. It is very important to understand that absolutely all stages can and should be passed, so the relationship will become stronger and reach a new level.

Seven Steps of Relationship
Seven Steps of Relationship

7 stages of relationship:

1. Marshmallow-chocolate or, as it is also called, candy-bouquet stage. At this time, people in love seem to fly in the clouds. Everything is admirable. If couples get married already during this period, then after a while they realize that they have started a family with a complete stranger.

2. The second stage is satiety. The feeling of delight has already passed. A man does not rush to buy flowers at breakneck speed. Partners are lazy and calm.

3. The third stage is disgust. Nowadays there is an exaggeration of shortcomings, just as there was an exaggeration of advantages. Now the disadvantages are in sight. Quarrels often occur, partners want to return romance to a relationship.

4. The fourth stage is patience. At this stage, the realization comes that quarrels do not lead to anything good, so the partners are trying to somehow resolve the conflicts. They are now working to maintain the relationship.

5. The fifth stage is respect. From this moment the first stage of love begins. Partners try to do their duty and not dwell on the actions of others.

6. The sixth stage is friendship. This is preparation for true love. Partners know each other well, respect each other's needs.

7. The seventh stage is love. They go to this stage throughout their lives, being next to each other. There is no longer passion, no illusions, no selfish motives in a relationship. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to reach this stage.

Here are the main seven steps. Therefore, if you start to think that at the beginning of the relationship there was love, and then it faded away, know that in fact it is not so. Perhaps you haven't even gotten to real love yet.
