Once you've secured a date, you can easily panic over the amount of manipulation you need to do to prepare yourself well for the date. Every date with a person to whom you are not indifferent, and especially the first, causes awe and excitement. Take it easy and just make a list of everything you need to cook in your notebook.

Step 1
Prepare the clothes you will wear on your date. It is better, of course, to know in advance where your rendezvous will take place - the choice of dress will also depend on this. Don't hesitate to meet in a fancy restaurant if you think you don't have the right suit. Many salons of evening and wedding dresses offer to rent these outfits. Choose a time and go to a salon store to feel at your best in any establishment. If the date is in nature, make sure you dress for the weather so you don't sweat or wander around the park with a squelching nose. Pay special attention to shoes - your light dancing gait should catch the eyes of all passing men, so that your loved one feels proud of what is walking next to you.
Step 2
It is not enough to take care only of clothes, think about your hairstyle, and about makeup, and about manicure, and about other procedures that will make you irresistible and stunning. Don't make drastic changes in your appearance. Perhaps these changes seemed successful only in your imagination, and the real result may surprise and even upset you. Use proven beauty products so that sudden allergies don't get in the way of your date.
Step 3
Think about the transport you will take to the meeting point. Consider the possibility of traffic jams and other force majeure circumstances so as not to spoil the positive impression of yourself with a critical delay. Hiring a retro taxi is an original way to drive up to a trendy restaurant! If the circumstances are unfavorable, call your lover and ask either to wait for you or to pick you up yourself. It is better to warn a person about possible problems than to make him worry unnecessarily.
Step 4
If you do everything as planned, nothing will stop you from getting on a date with your loved one. We can only hope that he, in turn, will approach the preparation of this event with no less responsibility.