The long-awaited meeting is approaching. This could be a date with a partner, an old friend or girlfriend, or perhaps a romantic date. To make the best impression on your rendezvous, you need to prepare ahead of time.

It's no secret that all the food we eat affects our well-being in one way or another. Certain foods eaten the day before the meeting can cause bad breath, bloating, flatulence, and even skin problems.
As you know from the course of anatomy, food is digested on average 3-4 hours and travels through the intestines for about 12 hours. It follows from this that it is necessary to refuse certain products at least one day in advance from the intended date.
What foods should not be eaten before the meeting:
- all strong-smelling vegetables and fruits, for example, the smell of onions or garlic, can remain up to half a day after consumption;
- milk and dairy products also cause an unpleasant odor from the mouth, you should not abuse coffee with milk;
- raw vegetables, they are high in fiber, and during digestion, bloating, gas, rumbling or epigastric pain may occur.
- it is also necessary to control the amount of fluid you drink - in case of problems with the urinary tract, swelling may appear on the face, and endless absences to the toilet are unlikely to add romance to the meeting;
- fatty and fried foods can provoke skin rashes;
- the use of alcohol is also discouraged for known reasons.
What can you eat just before the date?
- fermented milk products: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, etc.;
- nuts or dried fruits;
- an apple, it will freshen your breath.