Gemini is the windiest sign of the zodiac. Their location is easy to achieve, they are friends with everyone around. But the twins rarely decide on a serious feeling. There are too many temptations around to be attached for a long time to one person.

Step 1
Gemini will be able to fall in love with someone who turns out to be more fickle. They should always be in the role of catch-up. Engage them, but as soon as they decide to take a more serious step, disappear. Typically, representatives of this sign themselves behave this way, forcing others to be constantly in tension. Therefore, your actions will surprise and puzzle them. Gemini will try to get to know you better in order to solve the riddle.
Step 2
Be energetic and proactive. Arrange extreme dates for your Gemini. They love new sensations, they are addicted to emotions. The more you give Gemini, the sooner they will fall in love with you.
Step 3
Don't limit Gemini's freedom. They cannot do without human attention. At the same time, even when communicating with the opposite sex, they have no desire to change. They just love new people, they are interested in everything, they are curious about everything.
Step 4
Surround Gemini with attention. They love to talk about themselves, to boast of their merits. Give them this opportunity. Gemini love to talk, so become a loyal listener.
Step 5
Gemini love to give advice. You often ask what they think about this or that occasion. Ask what to do for you. Due to the fact that Gemini communicate with a huge number of people, they accumulate invaluable life experience, which they are in a hurry to share with others. You can learn a lot if you give Gemini the opportunity to help you with good advice.
Step 6
Don't tell Gemini about your feelings, it will scare them away. Behave in a friendly way, so Gemini is more familiar. And try to learn as much as possible about them. Listen to the same music, watch the same movies. If the Gemini feel in you a kindred spirit, and not an ordinary acquaintance, they themselves will try to become closer to you. Geminis love to be proactive in relationships, so give them that opportunity.