Men have to prove their love, as a rule, in two cases: when they seek reciprocity from a girl, or when a serious conflict arises that can lead to separation. However, you can show your feelings without a reason.

Step 1
Give your beloved flowers. Please note: we are talking not only about luxurious bouquets of scarlet roses. For example, in winter you can buy a bunch of lilies of the valley or daisies as a reminder of spring and summer, of warm days. A small modest bouquet is sometimes enough to cheer up your girlfriend. If you are too busy at work or have to go on a business trip, send flowers by courier. By the way, this is a great option even if there is a quarrel. Just attach a note with a declaration of love and a request for forgiveness to the bouquet.
Step 2
Give your beloved small signs of attention on a regular basis. You can invite a girl to a cafe if she freezes - offer your jacket and hug, buy her ice cream on a hot day, agree to watch a movie she likes together. When visiting or returning home, if you already live together, bring what your girlfriend loves: cookies, sweets, cakes, etc.
Step 3
Take care of your beloved. Help her prepare food, buy groceries, or clean the apartment when she asks you to. Arriving home first, prepare dinner, at least the most basic, and wash the dishes. Take care of the girl when she is sick. Be interested in what your loved one likes, or at least pretend to listen to her, even when she talks about what you do not understand and do not want to delve into.
Step 4
Know how to be there when you need it, but not be imposed at the same time. If your beloved is unwell, prove your love by supporting her in difficult times. If she needs help, help, but don't overdo it. Protect your beloved as much as you can, do not leave one in trouble. It is tactfulness and unobtrusiveness, combined with a willingness to come to the rescue at any time, that can be the best proof of your love for a girl.