Love is the most wonderful feeling, especially when it is mutual. All girls want to hear words of love from their boyfriend. A common situation is when he loves, but is afraid to admit it. Therefore, sometimes a guy needs to be nudged into a frank conversation.

Conversation, creating a relaxed romantic atmosphere
Step 1
Of course, it all depends on the character of the guy. Most often, women want to hear about love at a time when it is very bad or difficult for them. You should start a conversation, and lead it in that direction so that the guy understands that it is time for him to "open the cards." You shouldn't make him confess yourself. If a young man does not want to confess his love, then he will definitely make it clear, diligently avoiding conversation. In this case, you can not continue to put pressure on the guy. He can be afraid of this pressure and close in himself.
Step 2
Many men are afraid of losing their independence and freedom. In this case, it is important to make it clear to him that you do not claim his personal time. After all, there is nothing wrong if people show their feelings and confess their love. Perhaps the guy is afraid to say about love due to the fact that in childhood he observed the relationship of parents who in every possible way hid their feelings. There are families in which parents do not show their love, restrain themselves. Therefore, you need to find a softer approach to such people.
Step 3
If a man is timid, in this case he will have to confess his love first. It is not necessary to say it in the eyes, you can open it by phone or in writing.
Step 4
The most important thing to pay attention to is the guy's behavior. If during a conversation he has aggression, then it is worth considering whether it is necessary to build a relationship with such a person. Maybe not destiny?