Why Children Don't Understand Parents

Why Children Don't Understand Parents
Why Children Don't Understand Parents

Any adequate parent wishes his child only happiness. But most often, in their positive impulses, adults stumble upon the child's unwillingness to listen to advice and guidance. The child simply does not want to understand what adults are telling him.

Sincere conversation
Sincere conversation

If up to a certain age the parent's word was not only the law, but also the last resort, then at the age of 14 any parental words begin to be questioned. Depending on the child's upbringing, this can be latent resistance or demonstrative protest. Often in adolescence, the adolescent's attitude towards parents takes on a pronounced hostile character, which cannot but offend adults.

Age crises as a cause of conflicts

Children's protest to one degree or another is present in different age periods associated with crisis moments. Particularly difficult can be considered age-related crises at the age of three, when a child begins to feel like an independent person, and in adolescence, when hormonal changes in the body and everything associated with them begin.

At the age of three, a child may be stubborn purely for research purposes to see how adults react to his behavior. But in the strongest manifestations of stubbornness, parents still remain an indisputable authority at this age.

It is not in vain that the crisis of adolescence is called a "difficult age", and this age is difficult not only for children, but also for their parents. At the age of 13-14, the child undergoes a powerful hormonal change - the child moves to the stage of growing up.

How to find a common language with a teenager

Physiological maturation does not always occur in parallel with psychological, which causes dissonance in the child's understanding of the world around him and those people who for the child are associated, first of all, with childhood, that is, with parents.

It is difficult for a teenager to understand that for parents he will always remain a child. Both at 20 and at 30 years old, they will treat him like a child requiring care and affection. This idea reaches some adults at the end of their days, their own or their parents, and the teenager sees in the manifestation of care only the desire of parents to limit his freedom.

At this age, it makes no sense to explain common truths to a child, they are unlikely to be heard. The task of the parents of a teenage child is to make it clear to him that he is still loved and under their protection. Love and tact will help maintain a friendly relationship with your child. Let it be sad for parents to realize that the baby flies out of the birthplace, but everyone went through it - this is life.
