Throughout life, people have to build, maintain and restore relationships with people around them everywhere and everywhere. Some people manage to do it easily and naturally, others spend incredible efforts, and in the end they have only the appearance of a good relationship. A benevolent attitude towards people, a desire to live in peace with the world around us and observance of the rules of human community will help maintain good relations with relatives, friends and colleagues.

Step 1
Be nice to people. Simple habits of wishes for health, good morning and good night subconsciously set you and those around you to a peaceful mood.
Step 2
Try not to pour out your inner negativity. First, you can get used to doing it without understanding its reasons. Secondly, people are not always ready to become a “vest”. Thirdly, very often the easiest way to get rid of one's own negativity is to accuse other people of something, which in turn does not extinguish, but expands the conflict zone.
Step 3
Start looking for the cause of the stress in the relationship in your own words and behavior. Don't strive to change others, strive to change yourself. This applies to both large and small. The reason for the change in relations can be not only fundamental disagreements, but also boring habits, or the same type of reaction to some events.
Step 4
Do not become a slave to your own beliefs - perhaps some of them prevent you from being in tune with the world around you. Think about whether it makes sense to defend the fundamental points when it comes to love, affection and maintaining close, trusting relationships. Your beliefs should not destroy your feelings and those of your loved ones.
Step 5
Be empathetic to people. Respect their right to be in a bad mood, difficult situation, difficult condition, etc. Learn to show empathy and respect.
Step 6
Do not impose your experience or your beliefs on others. Giving advice when people need it does not at all mean peremptory assertion of one's own righteousness. People are entitled to their own interests and their own opinions.
Step 7
Do not slander. This applies to any negative statements about third parties. Moreover, do not retell someone else's negative opinion and do not participate in such discussions. Make your own opinion on such issues. This will save you from surprises.
Step 8
Learn to be constructive about criticism. Let critical statements be a reason for you to think, and not be offended.
Step 9
Spend more time with those you care about. Joint leisure binds people no less than joint affairs, especially if this is not an empty pastime.