It is good when the “weather at home” is sunny and clear. The closest people will always support in difficult times both in word and deed, they can always be entrusted with their secrets, you can have fun with them, or you can be sad. Whatever happens in the world, there is one constant constant in your life - this is your family. Unfortunately, sometimes in relationships, even between the closest people, difficulties and misunderstandings arise. How, in the event of a disagreement, to return good relations, and to establish peace in the family?

- Understanding the position of another person;
- constructive conversation.
Step 1
Any conflict, including family conflict, will grow if you add fuel to the fire. Therefore, first of all, deliberately stop waging "hostilities". To establish peace in the family, do without open confrontation, and without hidden "dirty trick".
Step 2
Any conflict arises from a clash of interests or a different view of the situation. Therefore, without shouting and swearing, each indicate your vision of the situation, your problems and wishes. It is important to indicate exactly the wishes, and not make claims. When discussing this situation, do not get personal. Criticize the actions, but not the person, and also not his personal qualities. Building peace in the family by criticizing the personal qualities of family members and making complaints will be very difficult, if not impossible.
Step 3
Having indicated your wishes, proceed directly to solving the problem. There are two constructive ways to resolve any conflict - cooperation and compromise. A compromise can be reached if all family members whose interests are affected in the conflict agree to mutual concessions. It is important not only to agree, but also to take real actions, adhering to the agreements reached. Cooperation is considered the most favorable way to resolve any conflict, including family conflicts. It is this strategy that contributes to the full satisfaction of the interests of the conflicting parties. With this strategy, consider what all stakeholders can do to resolve the situation.
Step 4
In any conflict, including family conflict, try to put yourself in the shoes of the other person. Try to understand the motives of the other person's behavior, his emotions and vision of the situation. To build peace in your family, express your understanding of his feelings, his behavior, and his needs. When a person sees that the other understands his problem, he is easier to cooperate and compromise. Do not try to put yourself or your interests ahead of the interests of another person. Be on an equal footing.