If you do not know how to flirt with men, flirt, seduce and this creates a feeling of dissatisfaction, self-doubt, you should learn the art of a pickup truck. Do not be afraid and learn a few rules of seduction, and over time you can become a real pickup guru and find your soul mate.

Step 1
Pay attention to your appearance. Men are attracted to long hair (even if they are not very thick and lush), long earrings, painted lips. Whatever breasts you have, try to serve them correctly. Watch your posture, keep your back straight, your shoulders straight, and your chest proudly.
Step 2
Try to master the feline grace, move smoothly and confidently. Sign language, the level of pheromones, the desire to please are very important. The level of pheromones can be increased with the help of stimulating drinks - tea, coffee, small doses of alcohol. Chocolate and exercise also help. In addition, you can imagine a person who is sexually attracted to you - the level of pheromones in your blood will rise.
Step 3
When talking with a man, take into account his psychology, status, behavior. Choose topics for conversation according to your plans. For example, if you are generally inclined towards a long-term relationship, do not talk about problems with the police, about using drugs or alcohol. Never mention short-term relationships - all of your relationships have been long-term and without cheating on your part.
Step 4
Show that you are economic and thrifty (even if you are not), do not tell salty jokes and do not encourage such behavior in a man. You can feed a man - it conquers many. Even a simple question about whether he had time to eat will already work.
Step 5
There is no universal way to conquer a man, so act according to the situation. A closer look, background factors (for example, rock is recommended over jazz for the musical accompaniment of a date), a small dose of alcohol, laughter and jokes can help. Try not to invade its territory if you feel defensive inside. At the same time, the opposite option can also work - physical approach to a man, if he is not confident.
Step 6
Remember that in a women's pickup, the main thing is not to seduce and carry away to bed (some men are afraid of such pressure, in any case, it is very difficult to maintain a relationship after sex on the first date). The main thing is to get emotionally close, to establish contact.