Unfortunately, there are more and more children who are ready to sit in front of a monitor screen for days. Parents notice with alarm that their child, devoting all his free time to computer games, does not communicate, read, does nothing, and ultimately lives in the virtual world and does not develop.

Step 1
What to do? It is impossible to give up computers, to break them. By banning complex technical toys, you can make the forbidden even more attractive to the child. There is only one way out - to limit in time. It is even more correct to try to make sure that by the time the child begins to use the computer on his own, he can no longer become infected with "virtual addiction." To do this, from early childhood, develop the baby's imagination, teach him to fantasize, dream. Instill in your child a love of good books that he can tell his friends about. Give the little person the opportunity to understand as early as possible what he likes to do: draw, sculpt, design, climb and somersault. Buy paints, brushes, clay, mosaics, books teaching burning, drawing, sawing, etc.
Step 2
Remember that if your son or daughter is not fond of anything other than the computer, he talks only about it, then in fact he lacks the attention of his parents. Communicate with your child more often, discussing a variety of topics. Tell him what you played as a child. Now on the shelves of stores there are many board games, both modern and a little forgotten, that can be played with the whole family. Invite your child to do this together.
Step 3
To distract your child from the computer, help him find a new hobby, organize the maximum amount of entertainment outside the home. Enroll him in some club, sports section, dance club. Do with him: make aircraft models, play volleyball, go to concerts. At least once a week, try to get the whole family out into nature, to the park, to the museum or to the cinema. Please be patient, because curing a child from computer addiction is a long process, much more complicated than prevention.