How To Drag Your Child Away From The Computer

How To Drag Your Child Away From The Computer
How To Drag Your Child Away From The Computer

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There is nothing wrong with the fact that a child is addicted to a computer. You should be wary if his pastime behind the car does not contribute to his development. It is important for parents to notice this in time and correct the child's behavior.

How to drag your child away from the computer
How to drag your child away from the computer


Step 1

Never use force or threats to pull a child away from the computer.

Step 2

Watch your child. Find out what exactly he is doing at the computer. If he plays games that do not contribute to the development of intelligence in any way, it is time to sound the alarm. But if a child is fond of programming, design or chess, reads textbooks that may seem abstruse to you, do not interfere with him. Perhaps right now he is deciding on the choice of a profession for life.

Step 3

If a child is indifferent to programming, perhaps he simply does not know what it is. Tell him about it. Even at preschool age, he can be taught to program in the Scratch language, which, perhaps, will captivate him so much that he will forget about ordinary computer entertainment, since the process of writing programs in this language takes place in the form of a game. Teenagers can be taught to the classic programming languages, as well as the Arduino hardware platform.

Step 4

If your child uses a computer to the detriment of completing school homework, show him that they can be done on a computer. You yourself will be surprised how willingly he will be to do his homework.

Step 5

Install Linux on your computer. Many games will stop running, and the child, in order to master the management of this OS, willy-nilly will have to develop intellectually.

Step 6

It is known that too long sitting at the computer causes physical inactivity. It is also known that many children are drawn to computing just because they are attracted to technology in general. Go for the trick. Teach your child to think that computers are not the only kind of technology around us. A bicycle is also a technical device, and the odometer installed on it, or, moreover, a navigator, is it not a small computer? If the child is already interested in Arduino, gently invite him to develop a bicycle odometer and then try it out. For example, during a cycling slalom competition - why not a game?

Step 7

There is another way to take advantage of the child's desire for technology to his advantage. Enroll him in any circle of technical creativity, for example, radio engineering or aircraft modeling. He will devote much less time to the computer, he will get used to work, and the launch of aircraft models is usually carried out in the fresh air.

Step 8

Sometimes it is necessary to drag the child away from the computer even if he does not harm himself. This has to be done in cases where there is only one car, and parents need to use it. Get your child an inexpensive Android phone or tablet, including a used one. With its help, he will be able to do almost everything the same as on a computer: study, program, and even develop for Arduino, moreover, in the fresh air. And your computer will always be free.

Step 9

Finally, be sure to teach your child to do eye gymnastics. And remember that no machine can replace live communication for him. Pay more attention to him yourself, and also facilitate all his communication with friends.
