Children are especially happy with the arrival of the holidays - you can take a break from boring lessons and do whatever. Only now, not everyone can choose classes to their liking, many children spend the whole summer on the Internet. Even if you are busy all summer, there are several ways to get your child off the computer in the summer.

To keep your child busy during the holidays, try to find something to your liking with him. At first it seems difficult, but you just have to listen to him - and you will see what he is fond of. For example, your son loves rallying and constantly “drives” a car on the Internet - find a car model club in the district (yes, yes, there are still such ones!) Or a license school (in some institutions, schoolchildren are taught, and the exam must be passed only upon reaching 18 years). Some children love war games, with shooting, solving riddles, searching for artifacts. Tell such a child - you can play in reality! Today there are analogs of the old game "Zarnitsa" - "Dozor", "Encounter". If there is no such game in your city, connect and come up with your own, even adults play such games with pleasure. riddles, looking for atrefacts in the nearest vacant lot. Perhaps you want to develop practicality in your child, teach him how to save and earn money. In this case, help him set a goal and strive to achieve it. For example, the goal may be to buy a scooter, an expensive gadget, tablet, etc. Tell me where you can find a job - at the labor exchange, in small companies (courier, peddler, cleaner). It is important that he feels your support, if at the end of the summer there is not enough money to buy - add it. For example, if you want to send your child to the dacha to water cucumbers, let him spend the night there without you, in the company with his friends. but he will go there much more often. Freestyle - stunt riding on bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades - has not gone out of fashion for many years. This is a great way to usefully and enjoyably spend time outdoors and tear your child away from the computer in the summer. Do not be afraid of possible injury. Firstly, there are many protective devices in stores, and secondly, active rest is impossible without injuries and abrasions.