Even in a nightmare, parents do not want to see themselves in a situation where their child is missing. This is stress of the greatest strength, in which literally animal fear for the life and health of your offspring is mixed with despair from not knowing what happened. If your child disappeared: suddenly did not come home at the appointed time, did not get in touch, and his phone does not answer, you have suggestions that something bad could have happened to him, urgently take measures to search.

Step 1
Call relatives, including ex-spouses (father or mother of the child), friends and acquaintances of your son / daughter, do not hesitate to explain to them why you are calling - let as many people as possible know about what happened. Find out during such conversations when and where they saw your child the last time, whether he had conflicts with someone, whether he was threatened, and where the child may, in their opinion, be.
Step 2
Through the reference, find out the phone number of the regional traffic police department, the admission rooms of the nearest hospitals, and the district police department. In the traffic police, ask the officer on duty if there have been any accidents involving children at the time you specified - describe the appearance of your child, if necessary. At the hospital, ask about the delivery of your son / daughter or similar children to them. When you call the police, report the child's disappearance and ask them to clarify if he was delivered to them for some reason.
Step 3
While one of the parents is collecting documents for filing an application for the disappearance of a child, the other parent (or other relatives, friends) must find out if the disappeared one had other reasons for voluntarily leaving home: these can be entries in diaries (including in a computer), some notes, photographs and everything else that gives food for such statements.
Step 4
With the help of the saved contact history on the computer, look at the sites that the child has recently started before disappearing, with whom he corresponded, and what he discussed on the forums with his comrades - this can help in the search for the missing person.
Step 5
You should take your passport, the child's birth certificate, the last few photographs of the missing person, personal diaries, both handwritten and (and on electronic media (they are sometimes kept by young people 12-16 years old), shoes or other things of the child, with which can use when looking for a dog handler with a dog, as well as those documents or things that, in your opinion, will help to find your child.
Step 6
In the police, recall and tell about all the circumstances that may be useful for establishing the whereabouts of the missing person: his recent behavior, hobbies, interests, new and old friendships, where he likes to walk, which way he usually returns home. Try to remember that the child did not tell that he was afraid, that someone was threatening him, whether there were any troubles and conflicts both with his peers and with the people of his elder, whether you did not notice a sharp and strange change in behavior or health, new habits or friends, desires to leave their home. That is, you should without concealment tell everything that can give the police a clue to the direction of the search for the child. Also remember the clothes the child was wearing when he disappeared, his signs, including special ones (moles, scars, piercings, tattoos, etc.)
Step 7
After submitting an application, do not rely only on the police forces, take measures to find the child yourself: post ads with a photo of your child on literally every pole in your neighborhood and neighborhood of possible disappearance, ask passers-by and drivers if anyone has seen a similar child. Go around the railway and bus stations in your city - the child may, out of a feeling of resentment or contradiction, join the homeless people.
Step 8
Contact the police or contact local TV, radio and newspapers on your own and post a missing child announcement with a must-have photo attachment.
Step 9
If possible, contact spammers (this is not difficult) and agree with them to send messages with photos to users' email addresses.