Constipation is the lack of self-emptying of the intestines or difficulty in defecating for a period of time. This problem is the most common in the practice of pediatricians. If a child develops constipation, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor and take all the necessary measures to normalize the stool.

Step 1
The causes of constipation can be: a small amount of fluid and food taken, a lack of coarse fiber plant foods in the child's diet, and insufficient physical activity. Organic constipation is associated with malformations of the colon, congenital anatomical defects (Hirschsprung's disease, megarectum, stenosis in the colon). In the overwhelming majority there are functional constipation, the causes of which can be many: malnutrition, hereditary tendency to constipation, disorders of the nervous system, muscle weakness, dysbiosis, uncontrolled intake of certain medications, frequent use of enemas.
Step 2
If the child is often constipated, it is necessary to show him to the doctor. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary instrumental (in case of anomalies in the development of the colon) and laboratory tests of feces, including for dysbiosis and worm eggs. Taking into account the role of the nervous system in the event of constipation, consultation of a neuropsychiatrist, echoencephalopathy, and psychological tests are required.
Step 3
Often, in order to solve the problem of constipation in a child, it is enough to normalize nutrition. An important role is played by the intake of liquid, give your child mineral water, juices, compotes and kvass, as well as fermented milk products. Food should be age-appropriate, complete, contain foods that enhance the motor function of the intestines, a large amount of boiled and raw vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, beets, zucchini), fruits. Here is a list of foods to help with bowel movement: black bread, dried fruit, bran bread, prunes, figs, oatmeal, dried apricots, meat with connective tissue, and vegetable oil. Meals should be fractional, at least five times a day.
Step 4
Give up at least for a while from foods that delay bowel movement: pureed soups, jelly, broths, rice and semolina porridge, astringent fruits (pomegranate, pears and quince). Every day, give your child fermented milk products that have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora (kefir, yogurt, yogurt, sourdough).
Step 5
Wheat bran, which stimulates the intestines, has a good effect. They are added to food in amounts ranging from one teaspoon to a tablespoon two to three times a day. In this case, the child should drink enough liquid. Sometimes taking bran can be accompanied by increased gas formation. Before use, pour boiling water over the bran, leave for fifteen minutes, drain the liquid.
Step 6
If a child develops constipation, you can use an ambulance - a cleansing enema. To do this, take boiled water at room temperature, fill an Esmarch mug or syringe. Lubricate the tip with petroleum jelly and gently insert into the child's anus, pour in the contents. To increase the laxative effect of the enema, it is recommended to add a teaspoon of glycerin to the water (for one glass of water).