Young children often have various problems with the intestines: colic, delay, or, conversely, excessive stool frequency. These ailments pose numerous questions for parents, which boil down to one thing - how to help the baby?

Warm up your baby's tummy. Cover it with a warm diaper or lay it on your belly. The warmth relieves spasms and soothes.
Give your baby a gentle massage. It can be circular movements in a clockwise direction in the navel in the form of strokes. Raise and lower the bent legs of the child when he is lying on the back. Put the baby on his tummy, let him lie down a little in this position.
Eat if you are breastfeeding, prunes, dried apricots, figs, or raisins. Eat fiber-rich foods.
Use glycerin suppositories to insert them into the rectum. Do this procedure carefully, it is better to use special products for children.
Use enemas for constipation in babies - water, herbal, oil, but it is better to use them only if absolutely necessary.
To make an oil enema, take oil - sunflower, hemp, or petroleum jelly. Warm it up to body temperature before use. Lay the baby on the left side or back and slowly introduce the contents of the enema into the baby's body. Pull out the tip slowly and carefully. Then bring the baby's buttocks together and hold them in that position. The result of exposure occurs somewhere in 7-12 hours from the moment of setting. The oil introduced into the baby's body envelops the entire contents of the intestine, which contributes to its easier removal.
Use medications such as "Duphalac" or "Lactuvita" as directed by your doctor. Effective in the treatment of constipation in young children "Hilak Forte" or bacterial preparations such as "Bifidum Bacterina". They are especially indicated for children who have undergone antibiotic treatment. In general, if the baby is calm and the stool is sparse, but soft, you should not have a reason to worry.
See your doctor if your infant has a stool retention of 48 hours or more. Perhaps the doctor will conduct additional examinations in order to identify the cause of this condition.