In the process of development of any child, there comes a moment when he pays attention to the change of seasons, time of day. It is from this moment that the baby begins, albeit intuitively, to measure out certain periods of time.

DIY materials for fakes: cardboard, colored paper, glue, markers, etc
Step 1
There are no clear age recommendations when it is better to start teaching your baby how to use the watch. Basically, this is the moment when the child has already begun his acquaintance with the world of numbers and people. However, to start learning how to determine the time by the clock, it is necessary that your child not only skillfully pronounce them and count them out loud, but can distinguish them by their appearance.
Step 2
Also, the learning process will be much easier if you manage to buy or make your own watch with movable hands and bright large numbers. Place or hang such a clock in a prominent place in the baby's room or in the room where he spends a lot of time (in the playroom or in the living room). Constantly pay the child's attention to these hours during the usual activities: getting up, breakfast, naps, etc. Explain to your child that each day has the same number of hours, that the small hour hand passes two circles on the dial in one day. When communicating with your child, constantly talk about the time from what and at what hour, for example, he can play. Show him this time on a toy watch, let the kid compare the image on the toy clock with the image on the real one.
Step 3
For a more complete understanding of the time by the kid, introduce him to the different types of arrows and their functions. Try to explain the concepts of hour, minute, second as easily as possible for the baby. Explain that when the large minute hand goes one circle, the small hour hand goes one division, advances to the next digit. It is the same with the second and minute hands. Usually, at the initial stages of learning to use the watch, children have difficulty in understanding why the arrow is on the number 3, and means 15 minutes. To eliminate this complexity, you can make a watch with your own hands such that the number of minutes will be inscribed above each standard digit: sign 5 minutes above the number 1, 10 minutes above the number 2, etc.