Each mother must decide for herself whether it is necessary to accustom her child to such a habit as a dummy. After all, then you have to wean it, and the more dependent the child is on this thing, the more painful the separation will be. Do you need to stress the baby once again, or can you easily do without a pacifier ?!

A pacifier is a small child's item that is needed to satisfy the baby's sucking reflex. Not to be confused in any way with a nipple - it is needed to suck the liquid out of the bottle.
Earlier, during the times of the USSR, every child from the first days of his life was accustomed to a dummy. And now they are not even allowed to be used in all maternity hospitals. Currently, many mothers are wondering: is it necessary to teach in order to wean them later? Like a child with a pacifier in his mouth, which means he is busy with something. Many kids do just fine without this attribute. This is especially true for children who feed on their mother's breast. They satisfy their entire sucking reflex while eating, so they do not need a pacifier at all. Mom's breast replaces both a pacifier and a bottle, and is also a good sedative.
But artificial people quite often go with a dummy, and up to 2-3 years. This problem can be solved by purchasing a bottle with a nipple that resembles your mother's nipple. And then the baby will slowly eat and at the same time satisfy the sucking reflex.
There are babies who love toe suck. In the first days of their life, almost all crumbs do this, but over time, many forget about this bad habit. But there are those who do not take their thumb out of their mouth for several more years. It is at such moments that a dummy comes to the rescue. It's still better.
The dummy helps many crumbs to calm down, fall asleep, especially for a walk. But there is no need to teach a child to be with this thing 24 hours a day. Nowadays it is generally believed that a dummy negatively affects the development of speech and bite. But this is not the case. After all, most adults grew up during the Soviet era, when a dummy was mandatory from the first days. And there are very few with a bad bite. The same applies to the development of the speech apparatus.
If, nevertheless, you decide to give a dummy for any reason to your child, then you need to choose good quality, do not forget to wash or sterilize it constantly, and also buy new ones on time. And in general, it is better to have 2-3 pieces in case of a fall or unexpected loss.