Every parent is faced with the whims of their child to one degree or another. The kid is angry, sulking, does not hear your calls, refuses or weeps at all persuasions. Try to stay calm and figure out why this is happening.

Step 1
First of all, try to analyze what the child's whims are connected with. Indeed, with such behavior, the baby shows that he is bad: scared, offensive, painful, lonely, etc. There may be several reasons, and the solution to the problem will depend on them. Children aged 2-3 years are often naughty in order to check the reaction of their parents. In this way, they try different ways of influencing mom and dad. React to the child's behavior calmly, but do not follow his lead. Argument your requirements for the baby, the main thing is to be consistent. If the baby realizes that he will not achieve anything with whims, then after a while he will not be interested in testing you.
Step 2
One of the reasons for children's whims is too many restrictions and prohibitions. The kid tries to get to know the world around him, but hears constant "no". He is forbidden to run quickly, jump, shout, throw stones into a puddle, touch a neighbor's dog, etc. How can one not rebel and be capricious here! Think about it, is everything that you refuse to the child really dangerous and harmful? Try to shorten the list of restrictions and often offer an alternative to the crumbs. For example, instead of stones, throw balls crumpled from the newspaper, throwing them into an empty box. Explain that you can only play with someone else's dog by asking permission from its owner. The kid does not want to have dinner - do not insist. Nothing bad will happen if he eats a little later, when he plays enough.
Step 3
Communication with parents is necessary for a small child. Being capricious, he tries to attract your attention in this way. Try to communicate with the baby more: play together, read, go for a walk, involve the baby in household chores that he can do. If he gets nervous when he is bad at something, support the child, offer your help. Even if you are very busy, during the day, choose a time that you devote only to him. Remember that communication between your baby and parents at an early age is the key to a trusting, friendly relationship between them in the future.