There are children who make almost no mistakes from the very beginning of learning to write. The teachers praise them, and the parents of less literate classmates set them up as an example to their children and hope that their child will learn to write as well and correctly as the excellent pupil Tanya. Meanwhile, just one example of a neighbor on a desk is not enough here. It is possible to develop a child's linguistic flair, but this will require a set of measures.

- - books;
- - a computer with a text editor;
- - an account on a social network;
- - "Scrabble" and other games with letters;
- - a collection of outdoor games for attention;
- - board games;
- - a teacher of a foreign language.
Step 1
Look through your child's notebooks and try to classify his mistakes. They come from inattention, because the child has poorly remembered some spelling rules, but there may be violations of speech or nervous activity. Dyslexia is often the cause of illiteracy. Even an adult often makes the same mistakes in writing as in speaking. For example, he constantly replaces one vowel with another, and says exactly the same. Instead of "s" he pronounces "y" or "o", confuses consonants. In this case, a few visits to a speech therapist may be sufficient. But you may need to consult a neurologist or child psychologist.
Step 2
Develop your child's phonemic hearing. If you didn't compose sound models of words before school, it's time to do it. Explain to him what sounds exist and how they are indicated in writing. Not all words are spelled the way they are heard, and the child must learn this difference.
Step 3
If there are no speech disorders, but there is obvious inattention, try to save your student from this drawback. There are many attention-grabbing games, and you can play them at any time, including during a walk. Choose those during which each participant will have to clearly perform the task. These can be classics, when it is necessary to strictly observe the sequence of movements, exercises with a rope, with a ball. Do not neglect word and board-print games when you need to accurately count, for example, the number of steps or name the city after the letter that ends the name of the previous one. Purchased or homemade letter games such as Make a Word or Scrabble can be of great help. The child understands the task, and he will involuntarily strive to form words correctly.
Step 4
Try to get your child to read. Not all children love books, but a computer or e-book reader can be of great help in this situation. Many modern children are more willing to perceive text from the screen than from paper pages. Moreover, the desired work can often be found on the Internet rather than in the library. If you follow the rules of hygiene, then the computer will not cause any harm to the child's eyes.
Step 5
Put a text editor with spell checker. Explain to your child that the program checks him, but she herself can sometimes make mistakes. You can learn it, but for this you need to know exactly how this or that word is spelled. Don't be afraid that your student will get used to relying on the program. In any case, this way you activate his visual memory, and he will remember the spelling of many words automatically.
Step 6
Some computer games, such as "Field of Miracles", can also help. In them it is necessary to guess the conceived word. But you can only define it when you know how it is spelled. Such games can also be carried out using a sheet of paper and a pencil.
Step 7
Don't be afraid of social media. Of course, the child's page and contacts must be monitored. You can easily do this if you own a computer better than your kid. Try to provide your student with a social circle in which it is customary to write correctly. Explain that social media isn't just about chatting with your deskmate. You can, for example, get advice from any teacher. This is especially important if the child is seriously passionate about something and has questions that he would like to ask a competent person. Teach him to check his messages. Explain where dictionaries can be found on the Internet and how to use them.
Step 8
Send your child to a foreign language club. Mastering the logic of speech unfamiliar to him, he subconsciously begins to comprehend the phenomena of his native language that are difficult for him. People who know several languages since childhood usually do not have problems with literacy. Even if your student does not master English or French perfectly, the knowledge gained will never be superfluous.