Cornering is a very common punishment among parents of all generations. In the good old days, there was a tradition of putting naughty children on their knees in a corner where peas were poured. Modern parents for the most part soften the punishment a little, excluding peas.

Step 1
The main thing - do not panic, this is not the end of the world, soon you will leave your creepy corner. Calm down, take a deep breath in and out. Eliminate crying and sobbing - they will not help you get out of the corner.
Step 2
If your parents turned out to be connoisseurs of good old traditions and put you on your knees in the corner where peas are still poured, then take heart - this is still torture. Gently distribute the peas with your knees so that they do not dig into your body, but simply lie next to you. If your parents turned away or went to another room, you can help yourself with this with the help of your hands.
Step 3
It is clear that you are offended that you were treated this way, but think about why this happened. Soberly analyze your guilt, think over your behavior. Parents are also not always right, but they will not put their child in a corner just like that, for nothing. There must be a reason, so understand it.
Step 4
Call the parent who has made the decision to put you in a corner. Calmly, without hysterics, tears and sobs, tell him that you thought it over and understood what you were wrong about, step over your insult and ask for forgiveness. Yes, it will not be easy, but you need to be able to admit your mistakes. By the way, even many adults do not know how to do this.
Step 5
If you still resist and consider yourself innocent, then it is better to think again, because they usually put in a corner so that a person thinks about what he was wrong about. If this does not happen, it is unlikely that you will be able to get out of the corner soon.
Step 6
The younger the child, the easier it is for them to bear such punishment. If you are put in a corner systematically, and in the same one, you can come up with a cache of small toys, for example, from under the Kinder surprise, to make it more fun to sit in the corner. However, be careful, your parents may see you. As you play, remember to think and analyze your behavior.
Step 7
If you are old enough, after asking for forgiveness and you are released from the corner, have a serious talk with your parents. Explain to them that you have grown up and that this punishment humiliates you. Find a compromise and try to negotiate so that you can come up with a new age-appropriate punishment. It may not even have occurred to your parents, they must certainly hear and understand you.