The book is one of the first teachers in human life. Children who have not been shown the whole colorful world of fictional stories lose a lot in development. There is a huge variety of children's literature, with colorful drawings, musical effects. The main thing is to choose a book by age and instill a love of literature from a very early age.

Step 1
For a child to be interested in a work, it must be age appropriate. Often the printed edition indicates for which children the book is intended. In addition, it is important to pay attention to paints - a bright cover may contain toxic impurities. For very young children up to 1 year old, poems are suitable, as they are melodic, soothing. At this age, an orientation towards the mother's voice occurs.
Step 2
Children's poems, fairy tales by Alexander Pushkin, modern poets - works of this kind are best read to very young listeners. For children from 1 to 4 years old, you can choose short fairy tales or stories. Sit down with them, and, leafing through the colorful pages, re-read "Kolobok", "Chicken Ryaba", "Teremok". At this age, children become curious and will enjoy looking at pictures.
Step 3
As they get older, the little reader begins to form his own literary taste. Do not refuse him to buy this or that book if it is well written, illustrated with good educational pictures. Do not force a child to learn to read, this is how the love of literature is fought back. Train gradually by making the reading process a small but fun game.
Step 4
Often people do not understand how important a book plays in the development of a child and in the formation of his personality. Children, who from childhood have a close relationship with the print media, are drawn to reading both in adolescence and in adulthood. A child who is not brought up on works of art often does not want to read even as an adult. But the book helps not only to develop, but also reveals the artistic talents of some children. They start to write poems, short stories. This is how new poets and writers are born.
Step 5
Books teach a child to understand what is good and what is bad. They develop imagination and memory, abstract and logical thinking. From the works, the little reader learns many new words, expanding his horizons, learns to speak correctly.
Step 6
The book teaches the child to empathize, empathize, helps to understand the relationship of people, that there are positive and negative characters. Children's encyclopedias for various ages, which develop children in many ways, are very useful. Encyclopedias for girls and boys teach the rules of etiquette, personal hygiene, cleaning sequence in their room. There are encyclopedias of animals, wonders of the world, planets and others. Thanks to the colorful and understandable pictures, accessible description, the child explores such a huge world with interest.