Probably every parent wants his child to grow up smart, self-sufficient and able to rationally spend the funds available. In order not to raise a curmudgeon or, conversely, a spender, it is necessary from childhood to tell the child about money, ways to earn it and skillfully spend it.

Even the smallest children save money. First, they put the coins received from their parents or grandmothers - grandfathers in piggy banks, boxes or some of their secret places, then the turn of the more serious bills comes. You can show your child how to manage money on your own, and only on your own, example. Telling the kid that there is no money for sweets, and immediately buying another trinket, you will hardly teach the child a rational approach.
Upon reaching the age of three, you can already talk with your child on the topic of finance, tell where mom and dad work, how much money they get for this, and what they can buy with them. Going to the store, you can take the child with you and tell how much each of the goods costs and how much the entire purchase as a whole. It will not be superfluous to involve the kid in the search for promotional goods in the store, and then give part of the money saved to him in the piggy bank, so the kid will understand that you can save even on the most necessary and learn to spend rationally.
To see how a child will manage finances, you need to allocate him a certain, not particularly large, amount of money once a month, for example, and see how and on what he spends it, this, of course, concerns older children. You can encourage a child with money for a perfectly finished quarter, for prizes in the Olympiad, for achievements in sports, etc. Only in no case should you thank money for helping around the house, otherwise the child will not want to do anything disinterestedly.
Now let's see how the child will dispose of the available cash:
- if the child has set himself a goal: to buy a toy, to go to the cinema with friends or to make a gift, and meticulously saves money, not allowing to spend a lot, - everything is fine, we are on the right track;
- in the case when the baby adds up all the cash and does not want to take a penny from there, and even for himself, but asks his parents - a greedy person grows up in the family;
- if the child manages to squander everything that he has in a couple of days and asks for more investments, then this is a little spender. You should not be led by, saying that this is the last time and not a single ruble, the situation will still repeat itself.
You should not scold the kid for irrational spending, but explain that there is a limited amount of money in the family, and that it is necessary to earn it first.