Preschool children sometimes mistreat pets: they torture, tease, scare. In this case, not only pets suffer, but also babies, because animals are aggressive. And even quite peaceful creatures are able to get angry or frightened and scratch or bite a child in order to protect themselves.

Step 1
If your child hurts the cat and does not listen to your admonitions, think about what may be causing his aggressive play. Perhaps the reason for this is not the temperament of the baby, but cartoons and books in which the characters are rude and demonstrate their strength and superiority over the weak. Then it is clear from whom he takes an example and why he does not want to leave the cat alone. After all, this is the only creature in the house over which the child can dominate. Show your baby only kind, calm cartoons that are appropriate for his age. Limit TV time based on age. In any case, you can look at the screen of a preschool child for no more than 20 minutes every day.
Step 2
Control the situation. Do not leave your child and cat unattended. As soon as the baby offends the animal, do not start scolding and dragging your son or daughter away. Try changing tactics and expressing support and sympathy for the cat. Have pity on him, stroke him, take him in your arms. This should be done, of course, if the animal is not angry with inhuman treatment. Otherwise, limit yourself to words only. For some children, attention to another being affects more than negativity towards oneself.
Step 3
Watch yourself. If one of the adults expresses disdain for pets, scares and scolds them, the child can adopt a negative attitude, only express it on a physical level. Pets need to be loved, appreciated, cared for and cherished. By your example, show how to properly handle a cat, that it needs to be stroked only from head to tail, not to touch in the abdomen and not to pull the tail. Introduce your baby to the process of caring for him. Even if the child is still small, perhaps he can at least put food in a bowl for the cat. Read more and talk about animals, always draw your child's attention to street cats and explain that they need care and shelter.
Step 4
The child may be tormenting the cat when it needs your attention. He has already clearly understood that as soon as the animal begins to meow in his arms, you come running and swear. Since negative attention is still better for the baby than complete ignorance on the part of the parents, he repeats this scenario over and over again. It means that you need to play more with him, study, develop. Of course, you cannot only deal with the baby around the clock, because you have your own business. Feed your son or daughter with your attention and love and only then go about your business. Then the likelihood that the child will attract you with his bad behavior will be less.