How To Wean A Child From Lying?

How To Wean A Child From Lying?
How To Wean A Child From Lying?

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We often hear: the child is lying all the time. What to do? First of all, it is necessary to determine the causes and nature of children's lies, and also to establish the "severity" of this childish vice, which, upon careful examination, may not turn out to be such a big "sin" …

Why do children lie?
Why do children lie?


Step 1

Should everything be qualified as a malicious lie? There are several types of childish lies. First, such a lie can be forced. For example, the desire to avoid punishment, to blame someone else, to "get out" from an awkward situation. Secondly, the child may "lie", embellishing reality in order to seem more significant, or in an attempt to "change" with the help of lies his life, a reality that can be uncomfortable and unpleasant for the child. Thirdly, sometimes children fantasize with inspiration on a variety of topics. Fantasies are the most attractive type of childish "lie", which is rather a manifestation of creativity in the child. Fourthly, the child may lie "out of spite", seeking to attract the attention of adults, considering himself "abandoned" and deprived of attention.

Step 2

Why do children lie?

There are several reasons. If a child is raised in excessive severity, he will begin to hide his wrongdoings, and sometimes - even worse - to blame others. From such a child, in the future, an adult can grow up, for whom it costs nothing to slander a person. Sometimes children lie so as not to upset their parents. This happens especially often where parents are trying to "play on the feelings" of the child, to manipulate his emotions. If a child comes up with non-existent stories about a family, think about it: maybe your child is growing up with inferiority complexes? In the future, such a person may be ashamed of their loved ones, for example, because of their poverty or origin, trying to impersonate someone more significant. In any case, such a desire to impersonate someone who he is not, should alert parents. After all, it is no secret that many people, as they say, do not live "their own lives", but, as it were, live "someone else's", instead of realizing the potential that was originally laid down in a person. And if a child is lying in spite of everyone, you should understand that this is not a comic psychological problem that can grow into a disease and turn your child into a person with an unreliable reputation, or even into a real sociopath.

Step 3

What if the child is lying? How to deal with this?

If a child is lying out of fear of punishment, think about whether the parents are going too far, and whether your child is growing a coward, a frightened loser and just a weak, depressed personality, which in the future will not be able to take responsibility for their actions and to recognize their own mistakes?

If a child "embellishes" reality by inventing nonexistent life blessings for himself, then you need to think about how to teach him to appreciate what is. Or perhaps the whole thing is in a dysfunctional environment, and then parents need to start with themselves, with the creation of a normal, friendly atmosphere in the house.

A child-dreamer, lying "just like that", perhaps, hides in his soul a great ability for creativity. It is necessary to direct the energy of the dreamer in the right direction. For example, give him a beautiful notebook to write down his "fantasies", dreams, plots. Or an album and paints, so that he draws what, in his words, "saw with my own eyes." Who knows, maybe your little liar will become a famous writer or artist?

If the child's lie is associated with aggression, or he "flirts" into an imaginary reality, you should give him time and patience. Better yet, consult a specialist psychologist. Perhaps everything is much more serious than it seems, and the consciousness, the mind of the child is in danger, showing the first signs of a mental disorder. After all, it is known that all mental illnesses, as well as unhappy destinies, are acquired by children in childhood. And the sooner the parents realize, the more chances are to find the reasons, to correct the mistakes of the child's upbringing, and possibly to save him from the disease.
