A pregnant woman preparing to become a mother experiences a lot of anxiety and anxiety. For example: is the baby positioned correctly in her womb, because childbirth proceeds most easily if the fetus comes out through the birth canal head first. In most cases, such fears are not based on anything, because the fetus can often change its position. However, in late pregnancy, it is advisable to accurately determine how the baby is lying.

Step 1
The most accurate and easy way is ultrasound. With the help of this procedure, the doctor of the antenatal clinic will accurately determine the position of the fetus in the uterus.
Step 2
If for some reason you do not want or are afraid to undergo an ultrasound scan, the doctor can, with a fairly high degree of probability, determine the position of the fetus using palpation (that is, feeling with your fingers). In any case, the doctor can easily determine the head of the child, as the largest and densest protruding part of his body. And already, knowing the position of the child's head, you can determine how he lies in the womb.
Step 3
If for some reason it is difficult for you to go to the antenatal clinic, you can determine the position of the child yourself. In doing so, be guided by your feelings. Even if your pregnancy is easy, without any complications, even if the fetus is very calm, it still wiggles from time to time. At the same time, the pregnant woman feels the strongest shocks from his legs - and it is by them that you need to navigate.
Step 4
In the event that the expectant mother feels quite strong shocks or kicks in the lower abdomen, it means that the child is located in the uterus with his head up. If they are felt in the upper abdomen (under the diaphragm), this means that the fetus is in the optimal position for childbirth - head down.
Step 5
In those rather rare cases when the fetus occupies a transverse position in the uterus, in late pregnancy the belly of the future woman in labor becomes, as it were, stretched in a horizontal projection, and on the sides you can easily feel the most protruding parts of the child's body - his head and ass.
Step 6
Even if the child is positioned incorrectly, this is not a reason to worry, moreover, to panic. In some cases, during contractions, the fetus may turn to an optimal position. However, it is worth seeing a doctor who can tell you how you can encourage your baby to turn his head upside down.