Various children's encyclopedias can be of great help in raising and educating a child. Their content is aimed at developing thinking and expanding horizons, as well as acquiring many skills that are useful in life.

Step 1
Currently on sale there is a large selection of encyclopedias that provide an expanded set of information on all sorts of issues. For example, the encyclopedia "The World Around Us" will acquaint a child with the structure of the human body, tell about the mysteries of space, the planet Earth and the Universe. Your child may be interested in facts about the history of life on earth, and possibly materials on scientific discoveries.
Step 2
For older children, you can purchase the "Great Illustrated Encyclopedia of Erudite", which contains more than 3500 thematic articles. They are devoted to questions of nature, science and technology. The book contains over 2000 colorful illustrations that explain the material. In the section about a person, a child can learn how the body works, and due to what the movement of muscles and skeleton occurs. Also, this section provides information on how the brain and nervous system work, why a person sleeps at night and what a dream is. In the section about planet Earth, your child can learn about the structure of the Earth, the origin of volcanoes and earthquakes. For senior students, scientific information about discoveries in physics and chemistry will be useful.
Step 3
If your child is passionate about something specific or you would like him to study a certain topic in more detail, it is worth purchasing a highly specialized encyclopedia from the “What is what” series. The books are detailed guides, each covering a single topic. For example, the Birds Encyclopedia provides descriptions and illustrations of a large number of birds, explains how the bird's body works and how the wings work. The Encyclopedia "Dinosaurs" reveals all the details of the Age of Dinosaurs, tells who they came from, and whether dragons from fairy tales were their prototypes. Your child will learn how many species of dinosaurs existed, how fast they could fly, what they ate and why they became extinct. Also in this series you can buy books about the seasons, weather, mysterious phenomena, wonders of the world and much more.
Step 4
Children's cognitive encyclopedias from the “Machaon” series are of great interest for their coverage of historical events. The encyclopedia "Civilizations of the Ancient World" tells about the traditions and beliefs of different peoples, the fate of kings and emperors. The book "Geographical Discoveries" will acquaint the child with the history of sea travel, tell about military campaigns and long-distance expeditions. The encyclopedia contains biographies of famous travelers and a lot of other informative information.