Many people mistakenly believe that nail biting is just a bad habit that can develop in both adults and children. However, this is not quite true. Very often, children begin to bite their nails from fear, nervous overexcitement, resentment or indecision. Before weaning a child out of this "habit", try to understand its cause and choose the best way to deal with it, but in no case do not swear at children and do not raise your voice.

Step 1
First of all, you should pay attention to the age of the child. At a young age, the most common reason a child bites his nails is during weaning from the nipple. If you notice that the baby begins to bite his fingers, try to pay as much attention to him as possible, distract him, play with him more often. The child simply lacks your presence and care.
Step 2
School-age children tend to bite their nails because of the stress they receive in class or while interacting with peers. Lack of self-confidence, complexes, resentment - all this can become the reasons for psychological distress. In this case, the child must be provided with maximum support and care so that he believes in himself and is not afraid of life's difficulties.
Step 3
Watching certain programs, movies, videos and cartoons can also cause children to bite their nails. This applies, as a rule, to impressionable and easily excitable natures. The task of parents is to carefully monitor the programs that the child watches on TV. Programs should correspond not only to the age and development of the child, but also to the characteristics of his psyche. Horror films, scenes with fights, dramatic situations - all this can have a detrimental effect not only on habits, but also on the psychological state.
Step 4
It is much easier to combat the habit of biting nails in older children. For example, it is enough, together with the child, to study with illustrative examples what the constant biting of nails leads to, to talk about the effect of microbes on digestion and the body as a whole. In some cases, even the usual stories about hygiene standards and how neat and well-groomed hands look beautiful can help.