Growing up and becoming a child's personality is a difficult but entertaining process. When you want to raise a well-bred child, pay attention to certain qualities of his character and behavior.

Step 1
Respect for people of any age and social status. Instill a sense of equality in your child, and he will show himself well-mannered in any conditions, as a child or as an adult. He should be able to pronounce the simplest words "hello", "thank you" and "goodbye" in appropriate situations and without reminding his parents.
Step 2
Moderate selfishness. Your child should equally feel both his individuality and the ability to achieve any goals, and the desire to help and respond to the requests of other people.
Step 3
Obedience. The ability to stop playing on time and sit down calmly under only one parent's gaze is the main indicator of good breeding. The authority of mom and dad should be above all else. An excellent indicator of obedience is the behavior of the baby in stores, where there are so many temptations, and the desire to get something arises every second.
Step 4
Lack of aggression. The manifestation of negative emotions in relation to others is unacceptable for a well-bred child. Excessive aggression can indicate a malfunction in the body, if you cannot control this, see your doctor for an examination.
Step 5
Compliance with etiquette. Manners are important at any age, and they are instilled from childhood. Show your baby by example how to behave in society, with family and with friends. Your personal example is the best way to educate.
Step 6
Generosity and self-sacrifice. A well-bred kid will never make scandals because of his toy, he will gladly share it with others. This quality will carry over into adulthood and will help your son or daughter make true and loyal friends who are ready to help in any situation in gratitude for their attitude.