Young children usually love juices. But do not introduce it into the baby's diet too early. Juice is an allergenic product and it can cause diathesis and irritation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa. This is fraught with indigestion, bloating and colic. It used to be thought that juices could be given to babies at the age of four months. Now pediatricians have a different opinion. It is recommended to introduce juices into the diet no earlier than eight months.

Graduation and sequence
You need to start with clarified juices without pulp. If the baby's body reacts normally, then closer to the year you can taste the juice with pulp on the sly. The vegetable fibers in pulp juices stimulate bowel function and this can cause diarrhea if consumed at an earlier age.
Juices from different fruits should be introduced alternately. Only after it turns out that the baby is well tolerated by any kind of juice, you can start giving him the next one. If any of the juices cause an allergic reaction, this product must be discarded immediately.
The first is traditionally offered green apple juice. It is rich in iron and rarely causes adverse reactions. Then juices from pear, apricot, peach and plum are gradually introduced. Do not give your baby juices from strawberries, citrus fruits and exotic fruits. Grape juice also needs to be administered with caution. It is rich in sugar and can cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.
How much and in what form
Juice can be made with fresh fruit, or you can use specialty juices for baby food available at the store. The packaging usually indicates from what age they can be consumed. Freshly squeezed juice can cause restless behavior in your baby due to bloating, gas, or colic. Therefore, they must be diluted with boiled water. Usually one part of the juice is added to one part of water. Special baby juices bought in the store should not be diluted with water, because they have already been brought to the desired concentration.
A child should consume juices in a diluted state up to 2-3 years. Starting from 2 years of age, the amount of added water should be gradually reduced, gradually bringing the juice concentration to 100%. The baby can start drinking undiluted juice only after 3 years.
It is undesirable to introduce concentrated juices of industrial production into complementary foods for a baby under 3 years old. If the baby uses such juices, then they must be diluted with boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio. As you grow older, you need to gradually reduce the concentration of water in the juice. Also, do not forget that the acid contained in the juice can have a destructive effect on the fragile enamel of children's teeth. Therefore, it is better to drink undiluted juices from a straw.
Let your kids drink tasty and correct juices and be healthy.