How To Choose A Camp

How To Choose A Camp
How To Choose A Camp

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The question of choosing a camp sooner or later arises before every parent. At the same time, it is very important to choose just such a place for rest, where the child will be comfortable. Here it is necessary to take into account everything: the location of the camp, and the program of stay, and the qualifications of the personnel.

How to choose a camp
How to choose a camp


Step 1

The most reliable sources of information when choosing a camp can be the reviews of your friends. Therefore, first of all, ask them where they sent their children on vacation in previous years and whether they liked it there. It is clear that sending a child to a proven camp is not so scary. You can also find out in detail about popular camps in the education department, in a travel agency or on various sites.

Step 2

When choosing, first of all, take an interest in the arrangement of the camp. Good indicators can be considered the well-being of buildings, the presence of a shower, sports and playgrounds, gyms or a swimming pool. If the camp is located on the shore of a lake or sea, check if there is a specially equipped beach or a place for swimming.

Step 3

Be sure to find out the qualifications of educators and counselors. Find out how many people will be in the squad, how many adults will follow them. It will also be useful to find out if there is a swimming instructor in the camp, how the nurse works, whether the rooms are cleaned, how often the bedding is changed and who is watching the children after lights out. All these questions are very important because you trust your child with caregivers for a long time.

Step 4

Do not forget to clarify any questions about costs right away. Find out if there are additional fees for any events, if the price includes travel to the destination, escort. If your child suffers material damage, then how it will be reimbursed.

Step 5

And, of course, when choosing a camp, take into account the opinion of the child himself, because it is he who will rest there for three whole weeks. Find out the topic of the shift, as well as the program of events. Find out if there will be any special interest events.

Step 6

After identifying the range of camps that meet all your requirements, choose the one that you like the most.
