A modern mother has to do everything. And the house is in order, and the child is in business, and she herself is in good shape. Bathing your baby every day can be useful and fun for mom and baby. If the baby is carried away by an interesting activity while bathing, then the mother will have 15 -20 minutes for herself. During this time, you can make a face mask or express manicure. In the end, everyone is happy.

- - washable markers
- - colored paste
- - paint brush
- - colored sea salt
- - various containers
- - wooden sticks
- - shaving foam
- - sponge
Step 1
Option 1-Draw in the bathroom. The toys with which the kid plays in the bathroom, over time, he gets bored. Then the baby either requires a lot of your attention while bathing, or bathing turns into a five-minute wash. But there is a way out, the child must be carried away. If you are worried that your baby will slip while bathing, then buy a special chair. The child is safe, his hands are free, you can start playing. Give your child colored washable markers and draw something on the bathroom wall. The child will understand and begin to paint the walls himself. Depending on the age, in this way, you can study colors, objects, letters. No markers, take colored toothpaste. Give me a brush to paint, let him create masterpieces. You can even give shaving foam. Then offer to wash the walls with a sponge, this process is very fascinating for them.
Step 2
Option 2 - Learn chemical and physical processes. For this entertainment, you will need colored sea salt. Pour some colored salt into a transparent glass, pour water. Give the kid any stick, let him stir and watch what happens. He will definitely be carried away by the process of dissolving salt. Pour the solution directly into the bathroom. Such bathing is very beneficial. You can take several empty mineral water bottles, make small holes in the lids. Pour different colors of salt into the bottles. Close the lid. Invite your baby to heat such a bottle, the water through the holes will slowly fill the bottle and mix with salt. The child will be interested in such a process. In this way, colors can be studied.
Step 3
Option 3 - Examining the body. Offer your baby a soapy sponge. Have him wash the body parts you suggested. For example, the right arm, left foot, or toes on the right foot. In such a simple and fun way, the baby will remember all parts of his body. If he likes, then you can offer to wash the baby doll.
Step 4
Option 3 - Playing with a tap. Take your time to throw away baby food bottles and jars. Your little one will have a great time playing with them. Move the bathing chair close to the tap. Turn on a thin trickle. Attention! Make sure that the child does not turn on the hot water tap and does not get scalded. Give him different jars with lids, he will be happy to pour water into them and close them with lids.