There are many reasons why babies may cry while bathing. This issue is often the most difficult for young parents raising their first child.

Finding and eliminating the causes
First, it is important to remember that children of any age should not be bathed at elevated temperatures, acute infectious diseases, and a number of other diseases.
If there is even the slightest doubt that the child is healthy, it is better to postpone bathing.
For some newborns, bathing, according to some experts, can be quite stressful. In this case, parents need to be patient and have a thermometer to clearly know the temperature of the water. Perhaps the baby's discomfort is related to the temperature of the water, it is worth raising or lowering it by 1-2 degrees, and this will help the child get used to bathing.
There is also a diametrically opposite opinion, according to which water for children is "a completely natural environment", and all babies experience true bliss in the bathroom. Unfortunately, in reality, everything looks a little different, and many parents are faced with the fact that their children cry while swimming.
A gentle voice, favorite toy, warm and caring hands of mom will help to overcome psychological discomfort.
It is very important not to go too far when teaching your child to swim so that the negative reaction to the water does not take hold. Otherwise, the baby may simply start to be afraid of water. If health problems of the baby are excluded, it is necessary to carefully analyze the daily routine. Perhaps the baby is overworked or hungry, or, on the contrary, too little time has passed since the last feeding. In this case, experts recommend slightly shifting the bathing or feeding time. If the situation continues to repeat itself, it is necessary to look for the true cause of the problem elsewhere.
The first bath is stressful for parents too
Parents should also remember that small children, not yet understanding words, perfectly capture the mood of the mother and father - by the timbre of the voice, intonation and even (as shown by the latest scientific studies) by the rhythm of breathing and heartbeat. Therefore, before bathing a child, it is very important for parents to put themselves in a good mood, to be calm and confident that everything will work out.
For older children, you can come up with a fairy tale associated with taking a bath. Psychologists in problem cases recommend not to put pressure on the child, but to try to interest him. For example, today it will not be Masha that will be washed in the bathroom - the girl will wash her doll Polina herself. Mom, of course, should prepare in advance for this scenario and prepare a suitable toy.
If, despite all efforts and adjustments to the daily routine, the child continues to cry while bathing, parents should consider visiting a specialist. Firstly, it is necessary to exclude all physiological prerequisites (for example, skin diseases or any individual health problems), and secondly, an experienced doctor, having assessed a particular situation, in most cases is able to give good advice to young parents.