Quite often, young children cry at night. Someone has a tummy ache, someone wanted to eat, and someone just had a bad dream. How to determine why a child is crying at night?

Causes of baby crying at night
The first months of its life, the baby sleeps very sensitively and often cries in its sleep. This is considered a normal reaction. Already with growing up, the baby stops crying at night and wakes up only to drink or ask to go to the toilet. If a child has a sleep disorder for a long time, the cause should be looked for.
A crying baby under 4 months of age may indicate abdominal pain. After all, during the first months of life, the baby's intestines adapt to new living conditions, in the womb it was absolutely sterile. To relieve pain, drugs are used that help get rid of colic: Espumisan, Babotic. You can apply a warm, ironed diaper to your baby's tummy.
After a six-month milestone, teeth begin to grow, which can cause the baby to cry. Quite often, teething is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. Children bite toys, get nervous, and their gums swell and bring discomfort. Therefore, the child often wakes up and cries at night.

A stuffy nose with a cold also does not allow the baby to sleep peacefully. He begins to toss and turn and be capricious. Baby crying can be caused by an uncomfortable bed or stuffy room.
How can I help a child who cries at night?
Don't ignore your baby's crying at night. Be gentle and caring with him. For recurring episodes, see a neuropsychiatrist or pediatrician. They will help to find out the cause and prescribe rational treatment.