Caring parents are concerned about the organization of high-grade baby food, because making it diverse is not so easy. By the year the baby's diet already includes a lot of products that allow him to cook various dishes for him.

How to feed a child a year
By the year the menu already resembles the diet of an adult, that is, it contains full breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. But this is possible if the child is actively interested in food and is not prone to allergic reactions. For some children, mother's milk remains the main food for a year. If there are no problems with weight gain, then you should not worry too much about this, since each child is individual. On average, the baby should receive a portion of vegetables, meat, fruits, porridge, and dairy products per day. Well, how to divide them directly by the number of meals is already a personal matter for the parents. Some prefer to give porridge for breakfast, while others for dinner. Lunch can consist of either one soup or a second course. So in many respects everything depends on the child himself and his needs.
The consistency of food should no longer be as homogenized as it once was. The presence of pieces in food trains the chewing apparatus.
Approximate menu for a child per year
Breakfast consisting of a portion of cereal with added fruit, cottage cheese casserole or a sandwich with butter and cheese.
Lunch of vegetable soup and a portion of stew with chicken or potato pieces and a steamed cutlet.
An afternoon snack from a portion of cottage cheese, any fruit or cookies soaked in milk.
Dinner of scrambled eggs, lazy curd dumplings or macaroni and cheese.
These are just a few ideas for what to feed a one year old baby, presented on the basis of giving three days of choice.
Serving size is also a highly individual concept. Therefore, do not worry that instead of 200 grams of porridge that is supposed to him by age, the baby eats only 100. Nutritional needs are individual for everyone.
What else is worth knowing about feeding a 1 year old baby
In the selection of products, the principle of balance is the most important. That is, if noodles were offered for lunch, then you should not give pasta for dinner. As well as if there was a casserole with cottage cheese for breakfast, you do not need to give it in pure form for an afternoon snack either. A sense of proportion should also be observed, since enthusiasm about the fact that a child is happy to consume fried potatoes with lard or store dumplings a year is at least not justified. The digestive system is just beginning to form, therefore, it should not be overloaded with heavy or frankly harmful products, otherwise it can subsequently lead to gastritis, allergic manifestations and other difficulties.