When Baby Teeth Fall Out

When Baby Teeth Fall Out
When Baby Teeth Fall Out

The first teeth of a baby are not only a great joy in the life of parents, but also a great responsibility. After all, the condition of these temporary teeth must be monitored no less carefully than the permanent ones. After all, if they start to deteriorate and fall out, there is a risk that the indigenous people will also be unhealthy. However, at certain periods of a child's life, situations come when the loss of milk teeth is a necessary and natural process.

When baby teeth fall out
When baby teeth fall out

The name "milk" in relation to the first teeth of a child originates from ancient times. It is often argued that this term was proposed by Hippocrates as a description of the fact that the teeth grew in a baby still feeding on breast milk. However, experts claim that this name is simply the result of an incorrect translation from Latin. Initially, these teeth were called livakt, i.e. temporary. By analogy with the word lactose, the word was translated as dairy.

How milk teeth are replaced with permanent ones

The processes that take place inside the jaw of a child are called by many doctors a real miracle. After all, molars begin to form even when all milk teeth are standing. The change of teeth takes place according to a fairly clear pattern. When the time comes, the roots of milk teeth dissolve, and the teeth themselves begin to loosen and fall out as a result.

Sometimes parents worry that the loss of baby teeth is a painful process. Moreover, when a tooth falls out, an ichor often appears. However, it is worth remembering that all this does not hurt at all. And most importantly - naturally.

The teeth begin to fall out and replace in the order of their first appearance. That is, as a rule, the front lower two teeth are replaced first, then the upper, etc. There is a change of teeth for each child at an individual time. On average, replacement begins at the age of 5-6 years and ends by 12-14 years.

The so-called "wisdom teeth" can appear at the age of 20-25 or not grow at all.

Naturally, everything is individual, and someone's first teeth began to fall out at the age of 4. This is also a variant of the norm, especially if the dairy products came out early - about 4 months old, if the parents think that the change of teeth began too early, you just need to consult a doctor. He will look at the baby's jaw, assess its condition, and give recommendations for treatment or care.

You can often hear the recommendation to show the child to the doctor "for prevention" even if you are sure that everything is in order, if his teeth began to change at the age of 4 years.

What to do if a baby tooth falls out too early

Of course, there are situations when a child's milk tooth falls out at both 2 and 3 years old. This is directly related to the fact that the tooth is sick. In order for the baby to have something to eat, doctors even came up with a special holder for teeth for such cases. It helps to preserve space for the growth of a permanent tooth and does not allow other teeth to move to the vacant space.

What to do when a tooth falls out

There is no need to do anything supernatural if a tooth falls out within the time frame set for it. It is enough just not to give the baby anything to eat or drink for two hours, so that the wound tightens up a little. This will help prevent inflammation in the damaged area.

You can rinse your mouth with saline for the first few days - it disinfects and disinfects an open wound in the jaw. To prepare such a product, it is enough only to dilute 2 tablespoons of salt in a warm glass of water and add a couple of drops of iodine.

Often, babies are afraid that their teeth are beginning to fall out and are afraid of this process. To eradicate fear and make the process of changing teeth joyful for a child, you just need to come up with a little fairy tale for him - give a tooth to a mouse, make a gift for a tooth fairy, etc.
